Saturday, April 24, 2010

What does the name macham mean in german and french?

Macham may have a variant such as Machin, Machan or Machum.

What does the name macham mean in german and french?
ln French machin,truc,bidule is gizmo or what-you-call-it or the same as stuff eg that kind of stuff (ce genre de trucs).

Monsieur Machin is Mister Whatshisname.
Reply:In German it is a family name - there is no meaning.
Reply:Machin is French for "a thing" or "an object".
Reply:machin(e) in french means:thingy, thingummy,whatsit.

(pers.) what's-his(her)-name?
Reply:in german.....machan= Machan

n. family name; Tibor Machan (born 1939), Hungarian-born philosopher and published author of books on classical liberalism and libertarianism, professor at Chapman University

the other two have no meaning in german
Reply:Machin in French is thing..

Try babelfish

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