Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the name of the most famous book in the German romantic literature?

"Faust 1" and "Werther" both belong to "Sturm und Drang", a movement considered to be a precursor of the proper Romantic period, which did officially not start until Novalis's "Blaue Blume" ( which nobody has ever read), in the 1790s.

The most famous "proper" book within Germany is probably E.Th. A. Hoffmann's "Der goldene Topf" or internationally his short novel "Der Nussknacker" (The Nutcracker) which was the inspiration for Tchaikovsky's famous ballet.

From the period, Wilhelm Busch's picture stories, especially "Max und Moritz", are still in print today, though they are not really "romantic" for the most part.

The Grimms' and Hauff's fairytales, and the poems of Heine, Moericke, Eichendorff and others are to this day more famous and well-loved than any novel of the time.

What is the name of the most famous book in the German romantic literature?
Would Goethe's Faust qualify?
Reply:Mein Kampf
Reply:j w von goethe 'sorrows of young werther'

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