Thursday, April 15, 2010

How is my last name correctly spelled and punctuated in German and with German characters?

Last name is: Hasentufel

How is my last name correctly spelled and punctuated in German and with German characters?
The name Hasentufel is unknown in Germany.

Hasen = Rabbits

Tufel = ?

Teufel = Devil

Hasenteufel = Rabbitsdevil, that makes no sense.

H = the same in english

A = like the "a" in dancing (british english)

S = like the first "s" in trousers (soft "s")

E = like the "e" in then

N = the same in english

T = the same in english

U = like the "o" in to

F = the same in english

E = like the "e" in then

L = similar the english "l". We press a little bit more of our

tongue against the palate.

i have to admit....i've never heard that one before ...

sounds cute tho'
Reply:There should be two 'dots' over the 'u' ... and you should 'pronounce it' as Hass-en-two-FEL.

flowering shrubs

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