Sunday, November 15, 2009

What does this German last name mean?

I am giving a speech on a classmate, and we are supposed to incorporate what their name means. However, I can not find it anywhere. Does anyone know what the last name Schomisch means?

What does this German last name mean?
"Schomisch" itself hasn't got a specific meaning, but it could derive from ...

"Schau mich (an)" = Look at (me).

"Komisch" = strange, funny


"Schom" does not mean "shamed", actually.

"Scham" = shame

"sch盲mte sich" = shamed

"besch盲mt" = ashamed
Reply:It depends on what the word variants are. I am not a german speaker but I have a german last name. In Schomish, if you break it up misch, means mix, and Schom, means shamed. However it can translated throughout history for example my last name:

it is now kebortz (german also and possibly most mispronounced name ever lol).

however in past generations is was found that it was actually supposed to be ke脽utz, which is technically said as kessutz, but bad handwritng lead to kebortz. isn't that strange.

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